New Students
Overall Wellness
Research shows when you are healthy in both mind and body, you are more academically successful and feel more fulfilled. If challenges arise while at Mizzou, the most important thing is for you to reach out for help if you need it. University faculty and staff will work together to ensure you find the most appropriate care.
Steps to Take Before Your First Semester
1. Immunization requirements
The University of Missouri requires that all newly enrolled or readmitted MU students comply with the two-dose MMR Immunization Policy.
Missouri legislation requires students living in university-owned housing to comply with meningococcal requirements.
Some students may also need to undergo tuberculosis testing.

2. Learn about insurance and the student health fee
The student health fee is assessed to all students enrolled in fall or spring semesters taking seven or more credit hours at Mizzou. Those not required to do so may choose to pay the health fee to receive covered services. Learn more about student fees.
Costs for services not covered by the health fee are either billed through your insurance or, if uninsured, billed directly to you.
To determine if your health insurance is in network with the MU Student Health Center, ask: Is my insurance plan in network with University Physicians (tax ID# 900294051)? Learn more about health insurance.

3. If you need allergy injections
The Student Health Center administers allergy injections to students who have been tested by an allergy specialist. The Student Health Center does not provide allergy testing as a service.
You must request your allergist to send your antigen and personalized protocol orders to us. Inform your allergist that, while you are attending the University of Missouri, you will receive your allergy shots from the Student Health Center.

4. If you have a chronic condition
Our goal is to maintain continuity of health care whenever possible, especially for chronic medical conditions.
Please call 573-882-7481 as soon as you arrive on campus to schedule an appointment to establish care. We encourage you to complete this medical health history form [PDF] and bring it with you. You may also want to share your medical records with your care provider. Learn how to obtain your medical records.
To have a seamless transition of care, complete the following steps.
- Make an appointment early in the semester to establish a relationship with one of our primary care physicians.
- Bring a letter and/or appropriate and recent medical records from your physician. The letter and records should be addressed to:
Scott Henderson, MD
Medical Services Director
MU Student Health Center
909 Hitt St., Columbia, MO 65201

5. Take the Y1CBP
The Year One College Behavior Profile (Y1CBP) is a quick and confidential way to get personalized feedback on your alcohol and marijuana/cannabis use. The Y1CBP is provided by Missouri Partners in Prevention and was created with input from and designed by college students. Please complete this short, 15-minute, required survey by Aug. 21. Learn more about Y1CBP.

6. Explore our services
Our mission is to enhance your health and well-being by providing integrated services, programs and consultations so you can best achieve your educational and personal goals. As you begin your life at Mizzou, take some time to explore our medical, mental health and wellness services.

Here to Serve You

Current Students
MU Student Health & Well-Being is committed to supporting your health and well-being in a collaborative approach that includes resources to look after your physical health, mental health and wellness.

International Students
International students may not be accustomed to the medical practices of health care providers in the United States. Here are some things to keep in mind that are typical of medical practice in the U.S.