Creating spaces for students to find joy, resilience and belonging at Mizzou.

Nurturing My Wellness (NMW)

Who We Are

Nurturing My Wellness (NMW) is a program of the MU Counseling Center that supports the mental health and wellness needs of all students. We know that some students can face additional challenges related to mental health and well-being.

Learn More About Campus Support

What We Do

  • Provide workshops, events, and presentations on minority student health and wellness.
  • Connect minority students to relevant campus resources and services.
  • Collaborate with our Student Consultants to inform outreach initiatives.
  • And more!
Sign up for more information

NMW Student Consultant

This volunteer position works with Student Health and Well-Being staff to inform programming unique to the mental health and wellness needs of students with marginalized identities. As a Student Consultant you will:

  • Attend monthly NMW committee meetings
  • Provide feedback, ideas, and input from the student perspective to NMW committee staff
  • Help identify the wellness needs of students with marginalized identities on campus
  • Assist in content and event development
  • Opportunities to co-facilitate mental health and wellness outreach events with NMW committee staff
Complete Student Consultant Application