Healthy Sexuality
Learn on your own
Our Canvas modules will help you understand options of contraception, how to prevent sexually transmitted infections and how to make healthy sexual decisions (login required).
Get informed
Healthy relationships and sexuality require open and honest communication.
Sex: Communication and Consent
Get protected
We provide a variety of sexual health products to students at no cost.
Contraception and Sexual Protection
Sexual health products
Students can order sexual health products at no cost to pick up from the Wellness Resource Center (G202 MU Student Center).
Get tested
Untreated sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can be life threatening.
STI and Pregnancy Testing
Request a Program
Request a well-being program on the topic of sexual health for your class or organization.

Sexual health consultations
Call 573-882-4634 to schedule an appointment to discuss sexual health. Please note, this is not a medical consultation. For a medical consultation, please contact the Student Health Center at 573-882-7481.