
Understanding Your Drug and Alcohol Use

Part of your well-being is being willing to take a look at yourself. These tools can help you evaluate your relationship with alcohol and other drugs and your mental health.

College Behavior Profile

This College Behavior Profile survey will help you decide if your substance use is getting in the way of living your best life. You’ll receive personalized feedback and information about how to schedule an appointment to talk with a coordinator if you want to make changes.

Campus student life in spring

ECheckUp2Go for Cannabis

ECheckUp2Go for Cannabis can help you better understand your use and any possible unintended consequences. You’ll also get information about how to schedule an appointment with a coordinator if you’d like to discuss strategies for reducing or stopping cannabis use.

Spring trees near Schlundt Hall

Behavioral health screening

The behavioral health screening offers symptom screening for depression, anxiety, PTSD, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, substance use disorders and a general well-being screening. Information about resources is offered based on your responses.

Students spend time outside in the spring