Internship Admissions, Support and Initial Placement Data

The following data are provided in accordance with the APA Standards of Accreditation for Internship Programs and were initially reported Aug. 31, 2017, and updated June 13, 2024.

Program Disclosures

Does the program or institution require students, trainees, and/or staff (faculty) to comply with specific policies or practices related to the institution’s affiliation or purpose? Such policies or practices may include, but are not limited to, admissions, hiring, retention policies, and/or requirements for completion that express mission and values.         _____Yes     ___X__No

Internship Program Admissions

Briefly describe in narrative form important information to assist potential applicants in assessing their likely fit with your program.  This description must be consistent with the program’s policies on intern selection and practicum and academic preparation requirements:

The University of Missouri Counseling Center (MUCC) is currently accepting applications for four full-time, one-year positions in our 2025-2026 doctoral internship class. The dates of the internship are Aug. 11, 2025, to Aug. 7, 2026 (the final week is taken as vacation, thus the last day in the office is July 31, 2026). As an APA-accredited, APPIC Member Program, we are participating in the 2024/5 APPIC Match Process (APPIC Program Code Number 138911).

MUCC considers applicants who fulfill the following requirements:

  • Being from an APA- or CPA-accredited academic program
  • Completing comprehensive exams by the time of application
  • Completing all other academic requirements for the doctoral degree, except dissertation, by the start of internship
  • Having completed at least three years of graduate training

Does the program require that applicants have received a minimum number of hours of the following at the time of application?  If YES, indicate how many:

Total Direct Contact Intervention Hours (Master’s plus Doctoral)         N        Y        Amount=400

Total Direct Contact Assessment Hours                                                 N        Y        Amount=0

Describe any other required minimum criteria used to screen applicants:

In addition to the aforementioned requirements, preference will be given to applicants who:

  • Have previous experience in a university counseling center or similar setting working with young adults in a brief therapy format
  • Have successfully proposed their dissertations

Applicants must be able to pass a background check which will be conducted after the match in accordance with University of Missouri HR-504. This background check may include, but not be limited to, criminal history, verifications of employment and education, and driving records. Each background check is considered individually and consideration will be given to the relationship between the information obtained in the background check, the responsibilities of the position, and the recency and severity of the offense. A relevant job-related conviction or guilty plea is grounds for termination. The university does not employ any individual required to be registered under sections 589.400 to 589.425, RSMo (Missouri Sex Offender Registry) in a position as a “professor or instructor,” which includes psychology interns. Applicants who match to our program but do not successfully pass this background check will be dismissed from the internship (see APPIC Match Policy 6b).

Some doctoral programs require their students to have additional training contracts and evaluations completed by their internship programs. The University of Missouri Counseling Center (MUCC) internship does not enter into training contracts with academic programs, and the MUCC supervisors do not complete evaluations on interns developed by academic training programs. Our training program’s evaluation procedures are extensive and comprehensive, and summaries of progress are provided to doctoral programs (additionally, copies of evaluations may be requested). If you are enrolled in an academic training program that requires such training contracts and evaluations, you are strongly encouraged to consult with your director of clinical training as to whether you are eligible to apply to our program.

Financial and Other Benefit Support for Upcoming Training Year

Benefit Value
Annual stipend for full-time intern $45,000
Annual stipend for half-time intern n/a
Program provides access to medical insurance for intern? Yes
Trainee contribution to cost required? Yes
Coverage of family member(s) available? Yes
Coverage of legally married partner available? Yes
Coverage of domestic partner available? Yes
Hours of annual paid personal time off (PTO and/or vacation) 20 total days off for leave (combined vacation and sick); 5 saved for the final week of internship
Hours of annual paid sick leave (includes family sick leave) 20 total days off for leave (combined vacation and sick); 5 saved for final week of internship
In the event of medical conditions and/or family needs that require extended leave, does the program allow reasonable unpaid leave to interns/residents in excess of personal time off and sick leave? Yes

Other benefits include five paid professional development days and 13 university holidays; use of library and computer facilities; and parking (interns pay a fee for this). Each intern has a large, private office with a window and is equipped with a computer and digital recording equipment.

Initial Post-Internship Positions

(Provide an aggregated tally for the preceding three cohorts; 2020-2023)

Total # of interns who were in the 3 cohorts = 11

Total # of interns who did not seek employment because they returned to their doctoral program/are completing doctoral degree = 0

Placed in: Post-doctoral residency program Employed position
Community mental health center 0 0
Federally qualified health center 0 0
Independent primary care facility/clinic 0 0
University counseling center 5 2
Veterans Affairs medical center 0 0
Military health center 0 0
Academic health center 1 0
Other medical center or hospital 0 0
Psychiatric hospital 0 0
Academic university/department 1 0
Community college or other teaching setting 0 0
Independent research institution 0 0
Correctional facility 0 0
School district/system 0 0
Independent practice setting 1 1
Not currently employed 0 0
Changed to another field 0 0
Other 0 0
Unknown 0 0

Application Instructions

Please note that most communication from our side will occur via email.

The application process will occur online. Submit your application via the applicant portal on APPIC’s webpage (

To be considered for internship at the MU Counseling Center, your online application must include the following components:

  • Completed APPIC Application for Psychology Internship (AAPI) form. The AAPI may be downloaded from
  • A cover letter describing your qualifications and professional experience which you believe make you a good match with our site. Please note how our site would be a good match with your specific goals for internship.
  • Current vita.
  • Official transcripts for all graduate work.
  • Three letters of recommendation, at least two from supervisors familiar with recent clinical work. Note: MUCC only accepts letters of recommendation that are completed using the current APPIC Standardized Reference Form.


To be considered for the internship of the academic year of 2025-2026, all applications materials must be uploaded to the AAPI Online by Nov. 15.

APPIC Policies and Guidelines

MUCC is participating in the 2024/5 APPIC Match Program and will abide by APPIC Match policies. This internship site agrees to abide by the APPIC policy that no person at this training site will solicit, accept, or use any ranking-related information from any intern applicant.

Our 4-digit Member Number in the online APPIC Director is 1389.

Our 6-digit Program-Code Number for the Match is 138911.

Doctoral Internship Application

Contact Us

MU Counseling Center
Strickland Hall, 4th floor
Open 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Monday–Friday