
Rest Easy

Most students get poor sleep, which can lead to other issues such as anxiety, poor focus and concentration, increased risk for viruses and other health concerns.


Student Health and Well-Being offers a variety of workshops and events in Engage, as well as self-paced canvas courses, to help you learn strategies for living a balanced life.

A flying kite

Personal Training

Improve your sleep while you’re awake. Physical activity can help you get better sleep. To schedule a consultation, email

Well-Being Coaching

Experiencing challenges related to sleep? We can offer skills and strategies that may help. Our trained staff will co-create a plan with you to help you identify steps you can take to achieve quality sleep.

Well-Being Coaching
Drone aerial photographs near the amphitheater by Plaza 900

Talk to us

Stop by the Wellness Resource Center (G202 MU Student Center) to talk with a coordinator. To speak to a physician regarding sleep, contact the Student Health Center at  573-882-4634.

Drone aerial photographs near Speaker's Circle