Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD/ADD) is commonly treated with medications regulated by the government. To ensure the safe and legal use of these medications the Student Health Center has established policies to guide their prescribing.

Patients With Prior Diagnosis of ADHD

Patients previously diagnosed with ADHD/ADD must provide a copy of all relevant records including:

  • ADHD testing, assessments and evaluations
  • Documentation of prescribed medications, including dosing

Sometimes other mental health concerns (e.g., depression, alcohol/substance abuse) mimic the symptoms of ADHD/ADD. If you have received treatment for any mental health concern or substance abuse issue (currently or in the past), you must provide a copy of those records as well.

If you do not have copies of these records, complete a record release form. Submit the form to your previous physician/counselor who will send your records to the Student Health Center.

Send current medical records to:

Scott Henderson, MD
Medical Services Director
MU Student Health Center
909 Hitt St.
Columbia MO 65201

It is important for your records to arrive before the initial visit with your SHC physician, preferably one week ahead.

If your previous ADHD/ADD diagnosis cannot be confirmed from a review of your prior records and the initial evaluation by the SHC physician, you may be asked to have a further evaluation outside of the Student Health Center before medication is prescribed.

A previous ADHD/ADD diagnosis does not guarantee you will receive a prescription. The SHC physician will make the final decision regarding treatment, medications and dosage.

Patients Without Prior Diagnosis of ADHD

If you are concerned that you may have ADHD/ADD but have not been tested, you must undergo an appropriate assessment that includes a comprehensive clinical interview and testing with these components:

  • Estimates of cognitive ability
  • Memory functioning
  • Academic achievement
  • ADHD rating scales or behavior checklists that include multiple reporters
  • Measures of attention
  • Assessments measuring other co-occurring problems like anxiety or mood disorders

Online testing options without the components described above will not be accepted. Check with your insurance carrier to see ADHD testing is a covered benefit.

After a review of written results of comprehensive testing/assessment, the SHC psychiatrist may be able to start you on medication or provide guidance.

Resources for ADHD Testing

Stimulant Medications

Physicians may ask students receiving a stimulant medication prescription to sign a contract that specifies the responsibilities the student and SHC physician share.

Before receiving a stimulant prescription, the physician may ask the student to have a physical exam and urine drug test.

Physicians may ask students taking stimulant medications to submit random urine drug tests.