Managing Stress
Learn on your own
We offer on-demand information about many aspects of well-being. Look for the stress management module in Canvas (login required). Once you are logged in, hover over the Well-Being tab for all the available topics related to handling stress.
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays
12:15-12:45 p.m.
Wellness Resource Center
Reset with meditation
Free guided meditation is available during the academic year. Meditation is led by a certified meditation instructor. No registration required. Everyone is welcome, no experience necessary and supplies are provided. Classes are covered by your student health fee.
The Wellness Resource Center is located on the lower level of the Student Center.
Full Schedule
Student Health & Well-Being offers a variety of workshops and events in Engage to help you learn strategies for living a balanced life.
Well-Being Coaching
Experiencing challenges related to stress? We offer one-to-one coaching to help you keep stress in the helpful range. Our trained staff will co-create a plan with you to help you identify steps you can take to navigate stress.
Well-Being Coaching
Outreach Requests
Professional staff or trained peer educators will provide information about the common pitfalls of college life. Choose the speaker best suited for your group. Request a well-being program.

Personal training
Physical activity can help reduce stress and improve your resiliency. To schedule a consultation, email